Cylinder Front
- representation of part 1 as a contrast to part 2
Background color: Bright yellow. Represents a loud, active texture and the single fundamental C and its partials, which is the harmonic foundation for part 1. Element A(loud/fast) is predominant.
Five colored strands representing the five voices of a polyphonic texture. (instrument doubling occurs at beginning): Blue=voice 1 (piano), red=voice 2 (cello), green=voice 3 (clarinet), orange=voice 4 (violin), turquoise=voice 5 (flute).
- Imaginary tools:
Increasing wavelength of colored strands: represents “range filter”. The development over time of the melodic ranges of each voice are represented in the movement of the lines, with pitch height ascending from the center towards the periphery.
- Grid: represents ”microtonal filter”. The development over time from full microtonal spectrum towards a limited number of partials is represented through an increasingly wide-masked web.
Rank weeds: Weed-like designs in the surface structure
Represent sporadic melodic fragments disrupting the “machine”.
Cylinder Back
- representation of part 2 as a contrast to part 1
- Chronological direction: top to bottom
- Background color: Muted purple with color spectrum. Represents a quiet, static, increasingly sparse texture and a row of chromatically descending fundamentals. Opposite of pt 1 yellow on the (additive) color spectrum. Element B(soft/slow) is predominant.
- Ten colored strands: represent the chromatically descending fundamentals of a monophonic texture. From top to bottom: Blue=b flat, pink=a, red=a flat, orange-red=g, orange=f sharp, green-yellow=f, green=e, scrub-green=e flat, turquoise=d, sky blue=d flat. D flat-A TBD.
- Imaginary tools:
- Increasing thickness and color variety of the colored strands: represent “microscope”. The “microscope” “zooms in” on the texture, causing durations to expand and an increasing number of partials to be included above the fundamental. Applies to Element B sections.
- “Color noise” to be specified: represents “frequency shifter”. This tool distorts the partial spectrum above fundamentals by adding constant values across the spectrum.
- Weed-like designs in the surface structure: represent “rank weeds”—sporadic melodic fragments which ultimately disrupt and overtake the “machine”.
Cylinder Side
- representation of transition from part 1 to part 2
- Chronological direction: left to right
- Yellow gradually becomes purple. Represents the shift from a loud and active (element A predominant) to quiet and static (element B predominant) texture.
- The five voices of part 1 branch out and become the ten harmonic fundamentals of part 2. Represents a structural shift from polyphonic/monoharmonic to monophonic/polyharmonic.
Spiral 1
- representation of formal development and the element of speed in part 1, tending towards a general increase
- Chronological direction: clockwise. Voices and elements are represented in order of entry, measured by quarter not values.
- Five colored strands representing the five voices of the polyphonic structure (instrument doubling occurs at beginning): Blue=voice 1 (piano), red=voice 2 (cello), green=voice 3 (clarinet), orange=voice 4 (violin), turquoise=voice 5 (flute).
- Dark shades represent loud, active elements (elements A, A’, and A’’)
- Lighter shades represent soft, static elements (elements B, B’, and B’’)
- Transparent areas represent silence (element S)
- Black areas represent rank weeds
Spiral 2
- representation of formal development and the element of speed in part 2, tending towards a general decrease
- Chronological direction: clockwise. Voices and elements are represented in order of entry, measured by quarter not values.
- Ten colored strands, representing the ten successive harmonic fundamentals of the monophonic structure: 4000FF for B-flat, FC03E8 for A, FE0218 for A-flat, FC4E03 for G, FF9500 for F-sharp, BAFC03 for F, 00C354 for E, 03FCAD for E-flat, 03F1FE for D, 03BAFC for D-flat, 036BFC for C, and 031CFC for B.
- Dark shades represent loud, active elements (elements A, A’, and A’’)
- Lighter shades represent soft, static elements (elements B, B’, and B’’)
- Transparent areas represent silence (element S)
- Black areas represent rank weeds
Spiral Bridge
- representation of the formal transition between part 1 and part 2.
- Chronological direction: left to right
- Fractured elements represent the dissolution of the five voices
- Semi-transparent elements represent a thinning of the texture towards a single interval (tritone)
- Solid elements represent the merging of individual voices and textures into a single monophonic texture